Saturday, February 14, 2009


I got my first award today, well a while ago, but I finally have time today to accept it and post one here. I didn't even know I could be awarded by people, but Bestie thinks my blog is worthy. So here is my award:

1. Choose blogs that you find awesome in content or design

2. Put on your blog with a link and let them know you awarded them

3. List at least 10 honest things about yourself

So, onto my ten honest things:

1. I prefer to shop alone. I hate feeling like people are waiting on me, as I need to try everything on before buying it.

2. If I am at home, I can guarantee that I am wearing slippers, no matter what season. I have three different pairs, depending upon the season & I take them with me when I travel.

3. I don't have friends. I mean, I have acquaintances and people who I know, but the people who I let in my life, they are my best friends.

4. I hate people. Seriously, 99.9% of the people in this world I could care less about. I am very impatient and a little judgmental, and lets face it folks, people are effing annoying.

5. I hate when dogs sniff crotches. I know they don't know better and it's natural for them, but it's seriously disgusting and even if my crotch is freshly washed, I feel dirty.

6. I am super competitive, whether is be a game of cards or the clothes I wear, I feel like I have to win. It's definitely a flaw.

7. I hate talking on the phone most of the time. I call my parents weekly, and will talk briefly on the phone, but actual conversations make me uncomfortable. I don't know why. I also never order food, Jenry does.

8. I really want a new vehicle, an SUV or crossover. I love my car, but I'd have it for 5.5 years and I'm itching for something new.

9. I hate cooking. Well, I hate coming up with new ideas. I know my husband probably gets tired of the same 'ol thing, but I'm too scared to try new things because I fear I'll screw it up.

10. I cannot go #2 in public -- unless it's an emergency. If I am somewhere (restaurant, friends house, etc), I will leave to go to my apartment to use the bathroom. When I went to Iraq, I didn't go #2 for 2 weeks because I wasn't comfortable with it.

So there it is. I also bestow this award to:
Kelsey @ Breathe.
Kelly @ Reality Continues to Ruin My Life
Jenn @ Mad Props and Good Times.
Ashley@ Ashley Amazing.

Will update soon!


3 Bay B Chicks

Today is a very big day in the Where’s Wenda? Contest. I am visiting all of the SITS followers. Can I do it? There are around 1000 followers. Oh my! Better grab my cup of coffee and get on my way. Be sure to visit Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha and Three Bay B Chicks as part of your contest entry.
