Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Need a Vacation.

With my husband currently out of work, a vacation is not in the cards right now, but possibly within the next year. There are a few places now that I'm out West that I'd love to visit, but I'll save that for another day. Anyway, this thinking about vacation made me remember a vacation my family took when I was about six years old, possibly my favorite vacation ever.

For Spring Break that year, my family embarked on our first 'real' family vacation and we were going where every child dreams about going to: Disney World. However, that's not totally why this vacation sticks out in my mind, more so because this is one of the last times I remember my mom not being too sick with cancer. Granted she had been diagnosed, but she had finished her first round of chemo/radiation and her hair had started to grow back. She was my mom again.

Since my family didn't have a ton of money, we made the trek via car from Michigan to Florida. My sister and I kept ourselves occupied, even though back then DvD players, much less portable ones, did not exist. All I needed was a My Little Pony toy and I was set. After a few days in the car, we arrived in Orlando and made it to our condo - another big deal for us. It wasn't a hotel, but a 2 bedroom condo, complete with a kitchen, washer/dryer, pool, etc. I thought we were living large! Every day we went to the park, hitting up the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Typhoon Lagoon. We visited my mothers close friends who had moved to Florida to retire. We watched people bungee jump. We were carefree. My mom was happy.

It's funny how something so simple as a family vacation can turn into one of my most precious memories. I don't cherish this vacation because it was a childhood dream come true, but because my mom got to experience with me. She was able to see her children have fun and be kids without a worry for once. That's the mom I keep with me.



Its the simple things in life that makes us appreciate the people that are in our lives... Thanks for the post. It makes me miss my mom! =)


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<3 Ashley