Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Time to Make a Change

Only to my blog name :] My former blog name -Random Thoughts - was, well boring. I'm not creative in the least, but I kind of like the new name - not sure if it will stick, but it works for now. be sure to edit your gadgets if you follow me so it updates the new name.

Anyways, that's all the blogging I'm doing for tonight.




Good blog name! :) And thank you for stopping by and leaving a note (and following!). It was very sweet of you.

I'm going to be holding a giveaway starting tomorrow, so check back for that!



Thanks for stopping by! Michigan is ALSO my home and I am still here, born and bred :) I was just skimming through your old posts, I have to be more thorough when I have more time, and saw that you are also fascinated by eating disorders as I am :) Having a Psych degree has given me the knowledge about WHY they occur but I am still so dang intrigued. Also, self mutilation and addiction...just to clarify, I am plagued by none of them :) Looking forward to reading more!


Thank you for reading (and following) my nonsense!! Yay!!

I like the name. I changed mine pretty much weekly for a while because nothing was 'right'. It's tough. I have no problem rambling about WHATEVER...finding a name to summarize the rambling is another story though.

Good luck with the husband's job hunting!



Awesome name!