Sunday, August 1, 2010


Thanks to my Bestie, I discovered Meme's, which is basically like a blog prompt. I decided to investigate further, and came across this site - The Daily Meme. Since I haven't blogged in so long and I find it difficult to find any inspiration, I decided today I would try a meme. So today's meme says, "Post any photo that is straight out of the camera, in other words, not enhanced or tweaked in any way." Lucky for me, I took pictures of myself yesterday because I wanted a new picture for Facebook. So here is the totally raw, unedited image of me:

Of course, I like to edit my pictures a little bit using Paint Shop Pro or a cool website called Picnik. So here's the actual picture I added to my Facebook after editing.

I only used one effect called 'soften' which didn't change the photo drastically, but it did change it. So there you have it :]